Tracking Per Order items, a New Add-on for AST

After the successful launch of TrackShip in 2019, we are proud to release a new add-on for Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce (AST) The Tracking Per Order items add-on extends AST by allowing you to add tracking numbers to order line items, and it gets even better, you can also split quantities into different packages and attach tracking numbers to specific line item quantities.

The AST plugin allows you to add multiple tracking numbers to any order but in some cases, you need to link a tracking number to specific line items,

for example, if you ship your products from a few locations and you got an order for two products, each is shipped from a different location:

  • T-Shirt- Location X
  • Blue Jeans – Location Y

Or, if you ship different quantities of the same product from a few locations and you got an order for two line items and each is shipped from a different location:

  • T-Shirt X 2 – one from Location X and one from Location Y

Or, if you ship different quantities of the same product and each quantity is shipped from a different package.

The tracking Per Item add-on provide a solution for each of these cases, when you add tracking numbers to your orders, you can select the line items quantities that will be attached to the tracking number.

After adding the tracking info, the line items and their quantities will display next to the tracking number on the order admin and on the tracking information sent to the customer in the Shipped (Completed) order email:

in cases that you ship your products at different times and you want to notify your customers that part of their order was shipped, you can enable the partially shipped custom order status on the AST settings and set the order status as partially shipped after adding the first order tracking number.

2 thoughts on “Tracking Per Order items, a New Add-on for AST

    • blank
      zorem says:

      Hi Chuck, Currently, the Tracking per item add-on does not support the Bulk CSV upload and the API endpoint, we are trying to find a way that this can work but it will be impossible for most of the store owners to construct the CSV or the code for the endpoint since WooCommerce saves the order line items id in the order meta and not the SKU (some shop owners do not use SKU..) and they will not know the Line item id value.

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