Improve Your Listings to Rank Higher on Amazon Search

Amazon uses Two main factors to determine how products displayed one their search results, relevance and performance. in this post, I will focus on the relevance, which is basically the keywords and search terms that shoppers use to find products.

Amazon delivers search results in a two-step process, First, they pull the relevant results from their massive product catalog, and then, they sort those results into an order by the most relevant first.
Amazon allows you to provide detailed information and use search terms in your product listings to improve your relevancy.

I’ve created a list of guidelines to help you improve your listings and make your products rank higher on Amazon search results.

Product Titles

You should include an important keyword in the product title, Title is also critical for earning a high click-through-rate and conversion rate by clearly stating what the product is, Titles can’t be long so you need to be selective with your titles to be as descriptive and keyword rich as possible, without the use of keyword stuffing.
Limit – 200 character limit
Things to include: product type / line, Size / Dimensions, Color, Material or key ingredient, Brand name, model number, compatibility, etc’.
5 Title Myths That Could Be Killing Your Amazon Traffic & Sales

Bullet Points (Features)

Use keyword rich, informative features. Features are displayed as bullet points right below the pricing and product options. people scan the product page and look at the bullet points more than at the product description and they might be more valuable for search relevancy..
Limit -There are five fields that accept 50 characters each, total 250 characters limit – Use upper case letters to make your keywords stand out
Things to include:  product features (features) – Size, washing guidelines, color options, special features, etc’. use long-tail keywords that describe your product.model number, compatibility.

Product Description

You actually have two different fields where you can add text to your product listing: in the description section, which is lower on the page, or the features bullet points, which is above the fold. , Writing great copy and using keywords in your amazon product description is a must. basically you should expand expand on your product features and go into detail about your product, highlight it’s benefits, describe in detail how it can be used.
Limit – 2000 character limit

Things to include: brand name ,Reasons your product is so great, usage suggestions,. long-tail keywords to describe your product, What task or problem your product solves, What materials your product is made of, How and where your product can be used.

Main image & additional Images

Amazon strongly encourages sellers to follow their image guidelines, you can set main image and 8 additional images. Great product photography encourage customers to purchase, improve your sales and conversion and more sales means higher rankings..

The main should be with white background, image sizes should be at least 1000 pixels in width or height, this will activate the zoom option. You can add eight additional images, more photos give shoppers more to see of your product and it is recommended to show as many images from different angles so invest in that!

Product Specifications

These are different than Features – this is where you list the technical and physical details of your product. This includes size, shipping weight, color, compatibility, model number, package size and more..

Search Terms

In your listings, you can specify search terms relevant to your productin 5 different fields, it as actually a one big 250 character text box in which you can enter every possible search term you can think of for your product.

List your keywords by order, the most important first, You do not need to repeat any words, Commas will be ignore, do not use quotation marks, do not include multiple variations of the same word and common misspellings, you can include synonyms or spelling variations.

If you stick to these guidelines and improve your listings, you are sure to rank better on Amazon, good luck!

Did I miss anything? Do you have any questions about improving your product listings on Amazon? Ask away in the comments or drop us a line.

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