2.1.1 Date: 2024-07-23

  • Fix – Send SMS order meta not showing in order details page
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 9.1.2
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.6

2.1.0 Date: 2024-02-08

  • Fix – Typo – SMS Gatway -> SMS Gateway
  • Dev – Setup the linebreak for all the SMS Provider
  • Improved – Msg91 SMS gateway API updated
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 8.5.2
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.4.3

2.0.9 Date: 2023-11-21

  • Fix – Admin Phone number and Sender Phone number not saved.

2.0.8 Date: 2023-11-21

  • Enhancement – Update the design of the SMS Settings page
  • Enhancement – Update the License page
  • Enhancement – Change terminology – SMS API provider -> SMS Gateway
  • Enhancement – Add validation on SMS gateway save
  • Dev – Compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Dev – Integrate the DLT template for fast2sms
  • Dev – Add an Integration with t.ly URL shortener
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 8.3.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.4.1

2.0.7 Date: 2023-08-22

  • Fix – Failed – An error has occurred: You hitting the old API.
  • Dev – Update the DLT template for Msg91
  • Dev – Add the compatibility with HPOS
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 8.2.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.2.2

2.0.6 Date: 2023-05-29

  • Dev – Compatibility with Cashier for WooCommerce plugin
  • Dev – Compatibility with Woofunnels Checkout plugin
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 7.7.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.2.2

2.0.5 Date: 2023-02-09

  • New Feature – New providers added D7Network
  • New Feature – New URL shortener provider added Switchy
  • Fix – issue fixed to saving data on checkout for guest users.
  • Fix – issue fixed to send SMS with apostrophe text for Twilio SMS provider.
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 7.3.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.1.1

2.0.4 Date: 2022-11-25

  • New Feature – New providers added ASPSMS
  • New Feature – filter added in the checkout validation for include and exclude country from dropdown
  • Dev – SMS logs improved
  • Dev – {billing_phone} SMS placeholder added in the Booking SMS

2.0.3 Date: 2022-10-10

  • New Feature – Compatibility added with Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce
  • New Feature – New providers added EasySMS
  • New Feature – New providers added Octopush
  • New Feature – New placeholder added ( {billing_phone} – Billing phone number )

2.0.2 Date: 2022-09-22

  • New Feature – Compatibility added with WooCommerce Subscription
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.9.3
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.0.2

2.0.1 Date: 2022-08-22

  • Enhancement – Compatibility added with WPBookings
  • Dev – New order notifications improved
  • New Feature – added Customer SMS notifications for Cancelled order status
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.8.1

2.0 Date: 2022-07-18

  • Dev – license system improved
  • New Feature – New providers added ( WhatsApp notifications, Twilio WhatsApp notifications, ProSMS, SMSdk, SMSALA, BulkGate )
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.7

1.5.7 Date: 2022-06-21

  • Dev – Compatibility improved with Advance Local Pickup plugin
  • Dev – change plugin’s slug from sms-for-woocommerce to zorem-sms-for-woocommerce
  • Fix – fixed issue of WC Bookings SMS
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.6
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 6.0

1.5.6 Date: 2022-04-25

  • Enhancement – Design improved in Settings tab Test SMS
  • Enhancement – Plugin info added to WP plugin’s page
  • Enhancement – Design improved in the Customer SMS tab
  • Dev – All Documentation links updated
  • Dev – Compatibility improved with Delivered Shipment status SMS notifications
  • Dev – filter added in SMS logs
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.4.1
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.9.3

1.5.5 Date: 2022-03-02

  • Enhancement – RTL design improved and support added for more languages
  • Enhancement – design updated for SMS notifications tab
  • Dev – SMS settings menu under WooCommerce name change SMS Notifications to SMS Settings
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.2.1


  • New Feature – Order status and all other SMS logs table Added
  • Enhancement – design updated
  • Enhancement – Shipment status SMS placeholder added
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.1.1
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.9


  • Dev – Settings, Documentation and Support link added in plugin’s page
  • Enhancement – License tab design updates


  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 6.0
  • Fix – fixed issue of tracking item in order status SMS


  • Enhancement – SMSWOO logo changed
  • Enhancement – SMS Notifications menu name changed from SMSWOO under WooCommerce
  • Dev – Shipment status SMS code improved


  • New Feature – SMS Alert – Added new SMS Provider
  • Enhancement – Shipment status SMS design updated
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 5.9.0
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.8.2


  • Dev – added compatibility for replace placeholder of WooCommerce shipment tracking plugin
  • Dev – Checkout validation added for shipping phone field
  • Dev – before and after shipping address option added in SMS opt-in on checkout page


  • Dev – Compatibility improve for local pickup appointment heading in SMS


  • Enhancement – shipment status sms design updated
  • Dev – {shipping_first} and {shipping_last} variable added in shipment status SMS


  • Fix – fixed SMS send issue in order admin page.


  • Enhancement – design updated
  • Fix – fixed {tracking_number} replacement in SMS
  • Enhancement – header design updated
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 5.5
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.8

  • Dev – For WC bookings change opt-in label
  • Dev – change placeholder from %placeholder% to {placeholder}
  • Enhancement – design updated

  • Dev – Compatibility improve for checkout for WooCommerce
  • Dev – Compatibility added for local pickup appointment
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 5.2.2
  • Enhancement – improvement for Fast2SMS

  • Dev – Compatibility added for WooCommerce Bookings
  • Dev – admin can add multiple admin phone number
  • Enhancement – bug fix of php public variable

  • Improvement in translation
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 5.1
  • Improvement in ALP compatibility

  • Dev – Compatibility added for Advance local pickup and added sms placeholder for advance local pickup
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 5.0
  • Dev – header design updated

  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.7

  • Dev – Exception shipment sms added for TrackShip user

  • Compatibility added for CheckoutWC
  • tested with WooCommerce 5.0

  • Enhancement – fixed bitly functionality that was broken by last update


  • Enhancement – opt-in and opt-out option in order page for customer
  • Enhancement – opt-in and opt-out in admin order edit page
  • Enhancement – opt-in and opt-out option in order page
  • Enhancement – shipment status moved to TrackShip settings in AST
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 4.9.2


  • Enhancement – encoding added for MSG91
  • Enhancement – css update for mobile number validation on checkout.


  • Enhancement – design updated


  • Enhancement – bitly API updated to v4 from v3


  • New Feature – ClickSend – Added new SMS Provider
  • Enhancement – header design change
  • Enhancement – addons-tab added
  • New Feature – option for enable log & order note log
  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 4.8
  • Dev – tested with WordPress 5.6


  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 4.4
  • Enhancement – Fast2SMS – remove 91 for mobile number string


  • Dev – tested with WooCommerce 4.3.0


  • Enhancement – used current_time wordpress function instead of php func date.


  • Enhancement – used current_time wordpress function instead of php func date.


  • Enhancement – msg91 api request parameter country updated


  • New Feature – show if customer oped-in or not in order admin
  • Fix – warning fix in order variable for tracking number
  • Enhancement – mobile number validation improved in checkout


  • send sms from admin
  • log tab added for debug


  • twick for mobile number


  • WPML support added


  • time frame schedule support added


  • %tracking_link% varible support added


  • plus(+) sign removed from customer mobile number for msg91


  • msg91 support added


  • Fast2SMS added
  • Launch it!